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A plethora of tips, tricks and telecoms/IT articles of interest for SME and corporate companies from Olu Odeniyi - Founder and Managing Director of New Prospect Business Solutions Limited.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Using 0870, 0845, 0844, 0800 numbers for advertising

Many companies know their marketing "works", well at least half of it but they don't know which half (I'm sure you recognise who first stated this more elegantly than written here). Stop the marketing and adverts and the sales fall so how can you begin to home in and optimise your marketing strategies?

Given over half the response from a campaign will involve calls via the telephone it is a good place to start. Many companies use the same number for their campaign as their normal office number. This means it isn't easy to track which calls came from which adverts from the campaign.

Using 0870, 0845, 0844, 0871 and 0800 numbers - or even virtual land line number codes - can help here. Different numbers can be used for different advertisements even though they are routed to the same physical call centre. This enables stats to be analysed for each number used in the campaign.

We'll give some examples of this in the next blog.

Olu Odeniyi

Reducing cost, removing pain with Professional Online Backup, Virtual Switchboards & Virtual Call Centres


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