Using 0845 virtual switchboards an 0870, 0845, 0800, 0207 Numbers for Targeted Advertising
Let's assume you are launching a strategic campaign in the next week or so. You have chosen two publications/newspapers to advertise in and had a few thousand leaflets printed which will be distributed in certain locations.
As the campaign proceeds, calls are generated and the conversions begin. Overall the campaign is deemed successful yet you are very interested in reviewing which advert locations were the most effective.
The above is not possible if all the locations advertised the same number for interested parties to call. However, if each location advertised a different number it would be possible, with the correct services, to show the number of incoming calls for each advert location.
We'll concluded this point with a simple illustration in the next blog.
Olu Odeniyi
Reducing cost, removing pain with Professional Online Backup, Virtual Switchboards & Virtual Call Centres
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